
About ossceilaadmin

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So far ossceilaadmin has created 36 blog entries.

1st Semester Examination for 100 and 200 Level Regular NCE Student begins


FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION FOR 100 AND 200 LEVEL REGULAR NCE STUDENTS BEGINS The regular 100 and 200 level NCE students began their 1st semester examinations on Monday 4th June 2018, against the back-drop that the examination has been postponed till 18th   of June 2018 as presumed by some students. The examination started barely three weeks after the end of the regular degree programmme examinations which was successfully conducted without any ill-report from any quarter. Though some students insinuated that for logistics reasons the exam might be postponed, but regardless of the insinuations advanced by some students, the examination started as [...]

1st Semester Examination for 100 and 200 Level Regular NCE Student begins2018-06-11T16:01:07+00:00

Summer School


The management of the College has put in place a modern IT facilities which facilitate the processing & release of Students Examination Results few weeks after each exam. As a result of the above, the management is using this medium to welcome any complaint from our ex- Students who has issues regarding their results to forward their complaints by filling the attached FORM. No cost is attached to this. Thanks Click here to Apply

Summer School2018-06-07T13:41:21+00:00



MODERN I.T. FACILITIES The management of the College has put in place a modern IT facilities which facilitate the processing & release of Students Examination Results few weeks after each exam. As a result of the above, the management is using this medium to welcome any complaint from our ex- Students who has issues regarding their results to forward their complaints by filling the attached FORM. No cost is attached to this. Thanks - MANAGEMENT.

MODERN I.T. FACILITIES2018-05-23T14:10:20+00:00

OSSCEILA Now Live on Microsoft Office 365 Platform


Office 365 Education is a comprehensive platform of tools and apps that provide teachers, staff members, and students with access to communication tools, document editing, file sharing, storage, email, class websites, assignments, classroom materials, and much more. Everything is accessed in the cloud to promote collaboration, learning, and improved productivity in real-time. According to many education experts, Office 365 Education ticks all the boxes when it comes to powerful tools for effective classroom teaching and learning. In this article, we will cover the basics of Office 365 Education and how it’s features and functions can make classroom management, school communication [...]

OSSCEILA Now Live on Microsoft Office 365 Platform2018-05-23T13:37:14+00:00

Webmail: Microsoft Office 365 Training


Microsoft office 365 training is coming up very soon. This training will involve both teaching and the non-teaching staff of the College. A quick overview of the Office 365 for Education Apps. Office 365 for Education provides powerful apps and tools that help students and teachers set up a central location for all class materials, reach students of all learning styles with individualised learning, provide students with individual help using private notebooks, create interesting and interactive lessons, and collaborate on projects in real-time without losing document formatting. The apps and capabilities include: Complete Office applications that are fully installed . This includes [...]

Webmail: Microsoft Office 365 Training2018-05-23T13:35:59+00:00

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Osun State College of Education P.M.B. 207, Ila-Orangun Osun State, Nigeria

Phone: 080


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